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Top Web & Mobile App Development Company

We explore the life around us and search for problems that matters. And then we try to solve them differently.

As a premier website and mobile app development company, we believe that your website and mobile app must support your business goals. It takes much more than just technical expertise to create digital products that become an asset for you.

We leverage our expertise and experience to create intuitive and interactive websites and mobile apps that offer your customers an unprecedented user experience. Over the years, we have helped businesses grow with turnkey solutions and successful digital marketing strategies.

Since our inception in 2013, we have helped thousands of businesses make an emphatic online presence with tangible results. At Infex, we understand that becoming a brand from mere business takes efforts, fruitful strategy and long term planning in place. That’s exactly what we do for you.

Our Process

India’s premier website design and development company.

Requirement Gathering & Intrinsic Planning

Understanding the client’s requirements is the foremost and the most significant aspect. We conduct intrinsic planning for the future phases to ensure that even the minutest details are reflected precisely

UI/UX Design

Leveraging our state-of-art designing tools, we build a seamless experience for users. You could take an interactive, appealing, and intuitive app for granted.


Post designing process, the prototype of the application is sent for development where the team works their magic to make it fully-featured and functional.


Legitimate coding is done by adept developers on the preferable platforms to tie outcomes around a powerful, seamless application.

Quality Assurance

Assuring quality is of prime significance to us. The app is tested in this phase to ensure bug-free, smooth-sailing output.


Your brand new app is deployed on the App Store or Play Store in this phase. Remember, we develop to deploy in a way that it could disrupt the competition.

Support & Maintenance

We have committed to keep you away from hassles and we stand by it. Post development, we extend you all the support to keep your app up-to-date and fully-functional.

We are proficient in the following web development technologies

Our Proficiency
in Web Development

Laravel Development Services

Laravel is a modern web application framework that designs customized web applications quickly and easily:

  • This framework takes an incredibly simple and easy-to-use approach to routing. It brings more flexibility and control over which route is triggered on the application.
  • Laravel runs hundreds of tests to ensure that new changes don’t unexpectedly break anything. It is widely considered to have some of the most stable releases in the industry as it is cautious of the known failures.
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NodeJS Development Services

Node.js is an excellent platform if you want functional and versatile cross-platform applications. It is supported by thousands of open-source libraries and has a big active developer community adding to the resources. That’s one of the many reasons why application development teams love to work with Node.js. It is a very reliable platform and has robust support.

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Angular Devlopment

Angular.js is a popular JavaScript-based framework developed by Google in 2010. They released its latest stable version in November 2019, and have a dedicated team of developers that handle upgrades regularly.

Angular.js is popular because it makes development easier and more efficient. This technology is especially suited for single-page applications though it can be used to create different kinds of websites. A seasoned developer can use all of the advantages Angular.js provides to create a versatile application.

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Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript framework developed by Evan You in 2014. It has a model–view–viewmodel format that makes it ideal for single-page applications and user-friendly websites. This platform has been gaining a lot of traction over the years because of its versatility and adaptability. You can run it on virtually any platform without any concerns about its overall performance. That’s one of the reasons why many clients request Vue.js over other platforms like Angular or React.

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WordPress CMS Development

WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day:

  • Publishing and content is made easy with WordPress. You can create drafts, schedule publications and look at your post revisions by making your content, public, private and also secure your pages with a password.
  • WordPress has always been easy to install and upgrade. If you’re happy using an FTP program, you can create a database, upload WordPress using FTP, and run the installer. It also helps you own your website, your content and your data.
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We have helped many to achieve their goals

From small firms to governments and big coporates like idea cellular


Years of Experience


Satisfied clients


Businesses Consulted

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709 - Fortune Business Hub, Science City Rd, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380060